20 September 2016. People coming into our brick and mortar shop will often find something they like and ask, "What's it for?" It could be a napkin or a throw, but whatever it is, it certainly has multiple lives and uses. Take a kitchen cloth. We can't tell you how many gifts we've hidden in the folds of a linen kitchen cloth, securing it with a piece of ribbon or washi tape. Aside from being reusable gift wrap, it's a lovely add-on for your giftee. A kitchen cloth also subs in nicely as a napkin if you want just a little more lap coverage. At the shop, we use kitchen cloths as placemats during lunch break and keep them in the bathroom as light hand towels. Such a simple thing, but it really gets around! Live with linen everyday, and be surprised by how much life you can get out of your linen.
*image: kitchen cloth in Peter plaid by jenny hallengren